Forced Showdown Wiki

Enemies are all those who stand in your way to victory. Enemies are unique to biomes they inhabit.

List of enemies[ | ]

Name HP Damage Special effects Biome
Chasing Ghost 30 10 Goes through everything Dungeon
Swarmer 40 8 Loses movement speed when taking damage Dungeon
Boomer 25 20 Dungeon
Haunting Ghost 45 14 Goes through everything Dungeon
Elite Swarmer 90 11 Dungeon
Charger 100 20 Dungeon
Ghost Turret 60 20 Static enemy Dungeon
Fly Spitter 100 16 Dungeon
Soul Carrier Swarmer 100 14 Spawns a slowing zone when killed Dungeon
Fire Caster Imp 90 30 Dungeon
Spawner Shrine 70 - Dungeon
Killerang 100 20 Dungeon
Dragon Whelp 100 10 Dungeon
Wheel Of Doom 100 30 Dungeon
Dark Hunter 100 40 Can Cloak, gaining up to 5 movement speed Dungeon
Cleaver 150 30 Dungeon
Reboomer 25 35 Resurrects if grave marker is not killed in 5 sec Dungeon
Sorceress Demon 150 50 / 25 Can Blink Dungeon
Elite Spawner Shrine 110 - Dungeon
Flying Dragon Whelp 200 10 Dungeon
Haunting Ghost Turret 110 25 Static enemy Dungeon
Wheel of Fiery Doom 200 40 Fire trail 10 dmg/s Dungeon
Sumina Sorceress Demon 190 50 / 25 Can Blink and summon Swarmers Dungeon
Fire Cleaver 200 45 Dungeon
Militia Swordsman 55 13 Garden
Militia Arbalist 50 12 Speed buff when fleeing Garden
Regiment Arbalist 75 10 Places a shield while shooting and reloading Garden
Militia Banner Man 100 - Gives + move / attack speed to allies Garden
Regiment Swordsman 100 13 Garden
Living Statue 125 30 Trap: Awakens when player is nearby Garden
Snake Mage 50 10 Garden
Rock Turtle 120 20 Takes extra damage while open Garden
Living Armor Lancer 100 25 Resurrects if orb is not killed fast enough. Garden
Living Armor Mage 80 30 Resurrects if orb is not killed fast enough. Garden
Knight 150 40 / 15 Garden
Lynx 200 30 Garden
Snake Druid 100 20 3 projectiles at a time Garden
Snake Musketeer 110 35 Has a step back ability to avoid player Garden
Snake Priestess 150 25 Shield ability when reaching <50%hp (70 hp effigy) Garden
Bazooka Rat 40 20 Ratworld
Melee Rat 50 10 Ratworld
Grenadier Rat 60 20 Ratworld
Bounce Tank 80 20 Ratworld
Nova Rat 60 20*4 Ratworld
Homing Bazooka Rat 90 25 Ratworld
Proximity Rat 120 20 Ratworld
Rapid Grenadier Rat 120 25 The second throw predicts the target's position Ratworld
Barrel Rat 120 10 Gains 4 movement speed at 50% health. Ratworld
Whirly Rat 80 20 Annoying as hell Ratworld
Zeppelin Tank 100 20 Ratworld
Sniper Rat 120 40 Ratworld
Experimental Bounce Tank 150 20 Ratworld
Nova Rat Pro 140 20 Ratworld
Shielded Proximity Rat 200 45 Has an anti-projectiles shield when player is distant Ratworld
Rocket Jumper Rat 120 35 Ratworld
Cloaked Sniper Rat 160 50 Can Cloak Ratworld
Missile Tank 160 25 Ratworld
Nova Rat Overdrive 180 25 Ratworld
Twin-Zeppelin Tank 200 20 Ratworld
Treasure Scavenger ? ? drops gold and points when attacked Any